2017-05-22 Sunday Sync




General Aerobody UpdatesFormer user (Deleted)
  • Vu Julian Hoa-Chau Huynh (Unlicensed) and Kayley Jacobs (Unlicensed) are doing a detailed investigation on fasteners and mounting solutions for the aerobody (part numbers, suppliers, adhesives, chassis hard points, etc.)
  • Aerobody REV 6 has enough space for the array. Rear and front panel still requires some flattening to remove compound curves as much as possible.
  • Former user (Deleted) is going to look into reaching out to composites creations to get advice on production process
  • The next rev of the aerobody will focus on rounding out the front 
  • Kuldeep Panjwani (Unlicensed) reached out to Teertstra regarding 3 axis CNC router. The machine will be available for use soon. Kuldeep to advise Teertstra on our timeline.
  • Goals for mold design
    • Keep all areas within comfortable arms reach so nobody every has to put any weight on the mold and possibly create dents in it
    • Make molds as flat as possible (few vertical walls/undercuts) for easy layup
  • Former user (Deleted) will start doing more detailed design on the back / removable panel for battery access (this is key for functionality/practicality of the vehicle

Formashape CallFormer user (Deleted)
  • 3 hours of setup time per mold → fewer molds is better
  • We will be ordering "prototype molds" instead of fiberglass molds
    • Essentially a large block of foam with a sealed cavity
    • Much cheaper than fibreglass mold
    • Will have 6" flanges for vacuum bagging

Matt Suski

Devon Copeland