Item | Who | Notes |
Status of on stream team | | - Circuit board mount team has been reallocated to battery box
- Next week is midterm week for first years
- Matt is working with electrical team to ensure overlap between mech and electrical
- Matt is running machine shop tutorials starting next week, notes to be added to Machine Shop
Chassis Design | Angela, Ritu | - Each team member did sketches individually
- Design process starts with defining hoops
- Ritu did some research documented on Design Research
- Decision has been made to go with all round members (better torsional stiffness)
- Suspension is a big factor in chassis design (need to be on most well reinforce part of the car)
- The position of all mount needs to be known before more progress can be made
- Plan going forward
- Look into wheels wells
- Start defining measurements
- Start with trying to define hard mounting point in cabin and work outward from there
Suspension | Devon | - Devon hasn't had much time to work on suspension design this week.
Aerobody | Kuldeep | - Met with first years to talk about projects and tell new members more about the project
- Found a book about aerodynamics in the Bay: "The Leading Edge"
Car form/model | Devon, Matt, Ritu | - Driver pit should be about 45" tall
- Seat should be reclined
Naming Conversion | All | - Dropping minor rev
- Alternate supplier column on
- EQN instead of EQUN