2017-01-19 Weekly Mech Meeting



  • Updates presentation
  • Discuss where to store simulation data
  • Discuss cleaning up Kanga
  • New tasks:
    • Make seat CAD model




Future meetings


Further meetings will include what members

will be doing in the following weeks

Aerodynamics updateRon/Devon

current aerobody is far more aerodynamic however further design work is needed

to be done to reduce air resistance

Chasis updateRitu/MattFEA simulations and further iterations need to be completed
Door Hinge UpdateBrian/DulasiCan either buy or make our own. Hinges are relatively expensive

Welding techniques, tig vs mig, who will

set up the jig


Will be having it proffesionally welded although unsure who will set

up the jig

Everything suspensionNatish/Adam

Trying to finalize suspension geometry, natish set up program for calculations

but not enough is known to complete the calculations

Individual updates from mechanical

team members

Mech MembersWent over what each team member did this week

Action items
