Time | Item | Who | Notes |
| Update (Sponsorship) | Tak | - Don't call local office of Molex
- Called Spaenaur who came to open house, but didn't go anywhere
- Heard back from Ford, cannot sponsor at this time; try again end of 2017/2018
- Had a sponsorship package meeting call, consensus: modern design, infographic style (statistics + diagrams) aka big numbers
- Front page and content inspired by InfluenceHR
- Did WEEF proposal today, 100% verbal, 4min speech
- Matt taking Clark for EngSoc presentation on Sunday
5min | Update | Aaron | - Host of modified car show in Toronto is interested in bringing in our solar car (need to finish a car first)
- Will establish contact first
- Getting truck trained
- MEF doesn't reimburse:
- gas that goes into personal vehicles
- credit card receipts that don't specify what was bought
5min | Website | Alex/Tony | - A bit behind schedule but should have a page to show next week
- Should be on schedule for full site
5min | Event | Toni | - Nov 26 Saturday, dodgeball in CIF gym 2, free event every term through the school as a club/team