- Makin $$$
- Teaching others to make $$$ (Curriculum on how to do stuff)
- Talk to old sponsors about progress
- Events coming up
- Team social media
- Website
- Off stream members will hopefully be reaching out to potential sponsors
- Call and draft proposals
- Reach out to previous employers. See email draft in google drive (may need to be edited)
- Redefine a sponsorship strategy
- Hour long training sessions?
- How to talk to potential sponsors
- New members can practice among themselves and current members
- Reach out to previous sponsors and give them an update about how we are doing
- include (smiling) pictures of the team
- plan for future car
- does not need too much details on MSXI
- Talk about a lot of positives with the race
- Student Design Team Showcase (Sept 8: 3:30pm - 6:00pm)
- SSDC Team Leads Meeting (Sept 21: 3:30pm - 4:30pm)
- SSDC Open House (Oct 1: 9:00am - 3:00pm)
- Solar Car Expo (Oct 5-7) http://solarwestconference.ca/
- Solar Canada 2016 Expo (Dec 5-6) http://solarcanadaconference.ca/
- Guest Speakers at St Gabriel (Sometime January)
- Develop guidelines for answering generic questions
- Develop a new spiel for "what y'all do"
- Aaron Lam organize team meetings more
- New design by new members?
- Stray towards wordpress/whatever waterloop uses
- Get added to Confluence/Jira/HipChat