Team structure:
Everyone on the same position: our position ; questions we don’t know to answer tutorial
Standard guideline, naming, where things should go , how the three tools interact with each other. Integration
Well defined role & responsibilities
Work as a team
Better defined responsibility and task delegation, make sure things get done
Refine our sponsorship strategy
Excel sheet out of date (who, when, follow up)
Call during on-hours
Outreach to different programs - business related
Ask Michael and Iris
Not much to sell, start smaller, local, educator, go big (how the team is doing) 80/20 (bigger) -- try
Concise idea about what we are saying
PM involved, in-person meeting, high position to talk to people
Share knowledge
What have accomplished, what to be done
Get the business people to do the same thing as what PM can do
Nothing to sell
Rebuild reputation in the community
Justify the mistakes, how to imrprove
Know how to answer questions about previous failure
Reach out to schools to talk about sustainablility
Get connected with other teams, learning from other people
Invite people from the solar energy to talk , seminar, media, alumni, teach what we should do, knowledge gap
Host events: eng soc case competition, bring high school students in, experience day , give back to the communtiy
Didn’t happen
Social Media / MK
website - dedicated ****
Team of media people
Post something people are actually interested in
No presence
Trendy: instagram, snapchat, twitter
Rebranding (update photos)
Posting pictures + contents to gain from following the page
Funny video on snapchat
Give ppl a reason to follow us
Wrong perception (lots of ppl, not much work) (less accessible)
Lack of accountability and commitment, not following deadlines, no one call them out , too relax, inclusive, everyone can help
Only take people who care and passionate
“Show up and on the team”