Time | Item | Who | Notes |
| Website | | - We're behind
- Should catch up
- Showcase at thursday meeting
5min | Sponsership | | - Needs statistics (push at meeting)
- Package coming along well
- Need to prep for weef proposal (Tak to supervise)
- Graphics people needed for sponsorship package
- Home Depot and Honda sad :'(
| Event Planning | | - Booking MC room (7-8:30ish)
- Contacts stuff with PAC (dodgballs, etc.)
| Upcomming events | Aaron Lam | - ASC restrictions meeting etc
- In USA, Aaron wants to go
- Ask Aaron Lam for email with details
- Feb 3-5 in Kansas
| Team Stuff |
| - No Coop winter 2017 (tentative)
| Media |
| - End of term video (partially done)
- Working on it again tomorrow
- Talking with events for media oppertunities