Summarized Regulations

This page is a summary of all important regulations which affect major Aerobody design decisions.



5.0m x 2.2m x 1.6m (L x W X H)

Driver Seating

Angle between shoulders,hip and knees > 90 deg

Heels below hip

Driver Visibility

Driver eyes >700mm above ground

Driver must be able to see every point: 

  • 4 m from the driver’s eyes, and
  • between 0.4 m below eye level and 0.7 m above eye level, 
  • between 100° left and 100° right of the direction of travel.


Lamps must be compliant with UNECE Regulations 6, 7 and 37

Turn Indicator visibility (top view):

left and right front direction indicator lamps Within 400 mm of the extreme outer edge of the solar car on each side, at least 600 mm apart, and at least 350 mm above the ground. be visible 15° up and 5° down
left and right side direction indicator lampsLess than 1800 mm behind the front most part of the solar visible 15° up and 5° down.
left and right rear direction indicator lampsWithin 400 mm of the extreme outer edge of the solar car on each side, at least 600 mm apart, and at least 350 mm above the ground. be visible 15° up and 5° down
one central stop lampHigher than a point 150 mm below the rear windscreen or canopyVisible 10° up, 5° down and 10° to the left and right.
two rear stop lampsWithin 400 mm of the extreme outer edge of the solar car on each side, at least 600 mm apart, and at least 350 mm above the ground. Visible 15° up, 5° down and 45° to the left and right.


  • Must be able to drive off a road with a 50 mm vertical edge drop without any part of the body touching the ground
  • Each solar car occupant must be provided with ventilation or cooling sufficient to ensure that they will not overheat. The team must describe the system and have it approved by their certifying engineer



5.0m x 2.2m x 1.6m (L x W X H)

Driver Seating

Angle between shoulders,hip and knees > 90 deg

Heels below hip

The driver must be seated at less than or at a 27° angle

Driver Visibility

Driver eyes >700mm above ground

Driver must be able to see: 

  • A point on the ground 8 m in front of the solar car 
  • A point 6.4 m above the ground and 12.2 m ahead of the leading edge of the car. (Will be inspected with a pole positioned 3 m ahead of the car)
  • A full 100° to either side of center 


All lights visible from 30 meters away.

Amber front turn>25% vehicle width from center-line30° from center in both directions and 15° up from horizontal
Amber side turn<20-30% vehicle length from front60° from perpendicular to the center-line of the vehicle in both directions and 15° up from horizontal.
Red/Amber rear turn/brake>40% vehicle width from center-line, <175 mm from back30° from center in both directions and 15° up from horizontal.
Red/Amber rear brake >700 mm above ground30° from center in both directions and 15° up from horizontal.
Rear white strobe light (battery protection system)>700 mm above ground30° from center in both directions and 15° up from horizontal.


  • Outside air, from intake vents and directed towards the drivers face, must be provided.
  • The driver must be shielded from contact with all steering linkage and other moving parts.