Body & Aerodynamics
Table of Contents
Journal entries should be in reverse chronological order.
2017-01-08 MSXII Proportions and Form
The form and overall proportions of MSXII's aerbody have been updated to allow better driver ergonomics. MSXIIProportions has been updated. There available area for the array is approximately 5.5m2.
2016-10-11 MSXII Proportions and Form
The form and overall proportions of MSXII's aerbody have been decided on. The following drawing illustrates these proportions: MSXIIProportions. More information is available on What should MSXII look like?.
2016-10-08 Created page to explain aerobody production process
Created a new page to explain the aerobody production process: Aerobody - Production Process
2016-10-02 Created new page
Created a new page to track the design of a custom Space Frame Aerobody Interface
2016-09-18 MSXII Form Decisions
The following decisions were made about MSXII's overall shape during the 2016-09-18 mech meeting.
- MSXII will be a 2 door / 2 seat sport coupé.
- The driver/passenger position will be mid vehicle or forward of the vehicle midline.
- The battery will be in the rear of the vehicle (close to the motors) and should be easy to remove.
- The aerobody should be designed to be made up of multiple panels.