Simulation Studies and Effect of Mass Analysis
There is a need to better understand how simulations are properly done through example of MS12 simulations. There is also a study of how the masses on the vehicle impacts the simulation results.
**small errors in simulation setup can produce major differences in results
Figure out how simulations are properly setup
Have better understanding of the effect of masses on load cases
take all masses off and see if it passes
add back masses slowly
is one a major issue? If so, increase radius
reflect on whether the oversimplification would still lead to accurate results
it should be generally okay because we are aiming for a safety factor of 2
at the very least, it is okay in this early stage of the game.
things to watch out for:
high forces/stresses concentrated in one area of the Chassis
FEA problem versus design problem
Mech advisors assure that it is primarily a design problem; the tubes are just not working
An FEA problem is when one mesh, one spot, or two is above the mean stress of a body
it is a design problem if the median stress is over 800 MPa (???)