Report on the testing of lap shear adhesion



This section will include the following (and maybe some other stuff I missed?)

  • Highlight of results

  • What test we are doing (tensile, compression anvil pendulum etc.)

  • Some more specific information we missed, for example, we used our own equipment, we didn’t have the correct equipment so we had to choose something else, something that may have messed up our test results? (feel free to add other things you believe are important to note)

  • Lack of test specimens for the standard quantity that standards require?

  • Link to ASTM Standard summary?




  • Here, outline a more thorough explanation of the test we are doing, explain why we are doing the test for context, what are we aiming to get out of it?

  • Add the composite failure modes we are expecting

  • Add what results we will believe should be relevant


The purpose of this test is to get the bonding characteristics of various adhesives when joined with Fiber Reinforced Plastics (FRP) to themselves and to metals. This is another test that will ensure that the adhesives we use are sufficient for our needs. The test will be done using a UTM in a tensile test and will pull on the test specimen until failure.





*insert picture of tensile tester we will use*


Test Specimen Prep


Fill this section out if we decide to condition our specimens


Raw Data



Specimen Number

Individual Peak Load Values (kPa)

Specimen Number

Individual Peak Load Values (kPa)











Specimen Number with Failure Mode

Picture of Failure Mode

Specimen Number with Failure Mode

Picture of Failure Mode







Processed Data


Preliminary calculations







FRP Width

25.4 mm

FRP Length

100 mm

Grip Separation


Loading Rate

13 mm/min

Bondline Thickness

0.76 mm


Post-testing calculations



Specimen 1

Specimen 2

Specimen 3

Specimen 4

Specimen 5


Specimen 1

Specimen 2

Specimen 3

Specimen 4

Specimen 5

Cure Schedule Time and Temperature for Bonding Sample






Test Temperature












Here, we can just explain what went/think went wrong and how we could’ve maybe avoided it if anybody wants to read this for future reference?





  • Here, we can include our final remarks and what we learned while going through this test

  • Validity of results

  • Conclusions

  • Implications

  • Some Highlight of Results (quantitative statements)

  • Trends

  • More stuff that I can’t think of?