Report on the testing of shear strength



This section will include the following (and maybe some other stuff I missed?)

  • Highlight of results

  • What test we are doing (tensile, compression anvil pendulum etc.)

  • Some more specific information we missed, for example, we used our own equipment, we didn’t have the correct equipment so we had to choose something else, something that may have messed up our test results? (feel free to add other things you believe are important to note)

  • Lack of test specimens for the standard quantity that standards require?

  • Link to ASTM Standard summary?



In this experiment, we will be determining the shear strength of our own CF composite sandwiches by means of a 3-point bend test. We will use the failure force to calculate the shear strength of our materials. We will use these results and compare them to simulations and see if our carbon fibre is up to standard. We will also be noting failure modes encountered during our experiment. The one most likely to occur will be local core crushing. We consulted ASTM C393_Standard Test Method for Shear Strength for this particular experiment.



Equipment required

  • Micrometres

  • Callipers

  • Deflectometer

  • Conditioning/environmental testing chamber




Below is a schematic of which test configuration we used with the values below:


Below is a picture of our apparatus:



Test Specimen Prep


Here, we can outline how we prepared the specimen along with the dimensions we went with, sorta similar to what Tommy did here in the specimen prep section:F2020 - Bottom Panel Structural Evaluation?


I believe this section is something that we would do in person. We still have to finalize if we actually do any specimen conditioning or the final dimensions of our test specimens.

Raw Data



Specimen Number

Maximum Force (N)

Failure Force (N)

Head displacement (mm)

Deflection (mm)

Specimen Number

Maximum Force (N)

Failure Force (N)

Head displacement (mm)

Deflection (mm)


























This isn’t what actually happened, I just want to show how the organization would look

Failure mode

Picture of failure mode

Failure mode

Picture of failure mode

During the test, we faced a debonding failure mode during the test for specimen number 2. (area and location of failure? please explain to me what this means).

(Please tell me how I could better word this, would appreciate the feedback)

Specimen number 2



During the test, we faced a debonding failure mode during the test for specimen number 2.

(Please tell me how I could better word this, would appreciate the feedback)


Specimen number 2


Pls tell me which one you think looks better? After putting it in the table, I’m leaning towards that.



Processed Data


Preliminary calculations








Support span

150 mm


Depth of Specimen

 Will vary between each specimen

 Averaged measurement

 Load rate

 6 mm/min

 This is the load rate that was used during the ASTM process

Loading span

Varied by specimen?

Averaged measurement


Specimen Number

Depth of Specimen (mm)

Loading span (mm)

Specimen Number

Depth of Specimen (mm)

Loading span (mm)















 Is there anything that I’m missing?


Post-testing calculations


*remember to put sample calculations for each of the 3 calculations below when we come to it*

Specimen Number

Cores Shear Ultimate Stress (MPa)

Core Shear Yield Stress (MPa)

Facing Stress (MPa)

Specimen Number

Cores Shear Ultimate Stress (MPa)

Core Shear Yield Stress (MPa)

Facing Stress (MPa)






















  • Graphs below this with a description of what the graph is showing




Here, we can just explain what went/think went wrong and how we could’ve maybe avoided it if anybody wants to read this for future reference?





  • Here, we can include our final remarks and what we learned while going through this test

  • Validity of results

  • Conclusions

  • Implications

  • Some Highlight of Results (quantitative statements)

  • Trends

  • More stuff that I can’t think of?