02/11/2025 Operations Meeting
Merch design meeting tonight @ 9:30-10:30
Giving presentation on what merch can be offered
Looking at pricing preferences, outsourcing for merch
Design work in progress
Waiting for quotes
New logo design for MS16 in progress
Updates on current sponsorships + plans for more reach out
Stephanie, Kailey:
Provide cold calling template in discord channel
Updates on corporate sponsorships
Provide deadlines on sponsorship applications
Khushi: Upload Raytheon application to SharePoint
Earagan + Khushi helping w/ corporate sponsorship applications
Carmelli help Brandon w/ unknown sections on Word
Update on slide deck
EngSoc Funding Update
Mia, Khushi: Only received one request so far
Script: Done by this Friday 14
Hardware: Carmelli ask for HW component
Master Budget Task
New Members:
New Task: Budget for MS16, finalize costs for mechanical subteams and begin to allocate sources of funding for expected costs
Members: Earagan, Khushi, Brandon
Ping asking for form update