Brake Assembly Sims
Dummy part was used from previous sim of the front caliper mount
An explanation of forces used can be found in parking caliper sims
Local Interactions
Bonded face of parking brake mount to the brake caliper mount.
On flat faces
Virtual wall on hex head bolt inner circle (16mm diameter)
Virtual wall on upright contact area:
Load Case #1:
Ax and Bx: 692.4 N, applied PER ITEM for these 2 faces (since Ax = Bx = 692 N)
Ay = 817.6N: applied on bottom surface of top support
Load Case #2:
Cx and Dx: 692.4 N, applied PER ITEM for these 2 faces (since Cx = Dx = 692 N)
Dy = 817.6 N applied on top surface of bottom support:
Load Case #3:
Torque load of 240 Nm around wheel axis.
Update [2024-03-11]:
Counterbore distance increased 2mm->3.5mm