Front Caliper Mount Sim [2023-12-27]

Part: BRK005-Brake Caliper Mount (performed using BRK005-Sim Assm file)

Performed by: @Jonathan Xie

1) Sim #1 - 3 Bolt Holes [2023-12-27]

Dummy Sim

Max stress in dummy assembly: 1.973e8 Pa = 197 MPA < 275 MPa (Yield of 6061-T6 aluminum)


Individual sim:






2) Case #2 - 2 Bolt Holes [2023-12-31]

Dummy Assembly Sim

Max stress: 230 MPa

iso-clipping 100 MPa:





  • according to the dummy assembly sims, everything pases

  • however, under individual sims, there is drastic failure in the bottom area of the curve

  • We believe the dummy sim is more accurate, since there will be a rigid member (caliper itself) that will limit the displacement of the bottom lip, thus decreasing the stress seen (as proven in the dummy sim using the bar are as a rigid body representation of the caliper)