Front Caliper Mount Sim [2023-12-27]
Part: BRK005-Brake Caliper Mount (performed using BRK005-Sim Assm file)
Performed by: @Jonathan Xie
1) Sim #1 - 3 Bolt Holes [2023-12-27]
Dummy Sim
Max stress in dummy assembly: 1.973e8 Pa = 197 MPA < 275 MPa (Yield of 6061-T6 aluminum)
Individual sim:
2) Case #2 - 2 Bolt Holes [2023-12-31]
Dummy Assembly Sim
according to the dummy assembly sims, everything pases
however, under individual sims, there is drastic failure in the bottom area of the curve
We believe the dummy sim is more accurate, since there will be a rigid member (caliper itself) that will limit the displacement of the bottom lip, thus decreasing the stress seen (as proven in the dummy sim using the bar are as a rigid body representation of the caliper)