AUX Overcurrent idea/option
Power controller board before LTC4417 mosfet
Make the controller board always powered but not protected by LTC4417, this allows compactors and mosfets to stop current flow to the board even during shutdown.
Apply circuit breaker
Use a circuit breaker plain and simple, once over current board will open via circuit breaker, but it will need manual resets which will be troublesome since it need accessing to the battery box
Use controller board memory to determine over current state
If over current happened the controller board will enter an over current state, once the capacitor discharged and the board shutdown, the board will restart (since mosfet and op-amps are powered down, which mean current will flow back), if over current continues MCU will count the times it restarted once the counter exceeds set limit mcu will trigger [something] to completely shut down the board (meaning no more restart).