Hardware Leads Responsibilities Plan for F20


Off-campus Leads (Liam, Josh, James L, Nita):

  • Onboarding

  • Design revisions → PCB cycles

  • Ideally sourcing of components and board sendouts

  • Helping with hardware member task management


On-campus Leads (Aashmika, Micah):

  • Finish unit validation/assembly

  • Finish harnessing and all assembly related to mockup

  • work with FW team to test both unit and integration


Hardware standups:

  • will still run Wednesday’s and Saturday’s (8:30edt Wednesday's and 1:30pm Saturday’s)

  • new onboarding members can join standup if they want but it’s really to check on progress of current members

  • kristen will run them and also update general slides with hardware updates


Onboarding Plan:

  1. 3 week time period → finishing first few stages of hardware tutorial (block diagram/schematics/layout parts) (1 stage per week) (James)

  2. Leverage knowledge shares and create content based worksheets to verify knowledge (intuitive questions) → possibly ask to make simulations → one worksheet/knowledge share per week for the entire term (Off campus team - Nita can cover Aashmika’s worksheets)

  3. Giving feedback for worksheets (Off campus team)

  4. After ~3weeks of hardware tutorial we will start task handout

  5. Add speaker notes to slides for alternate to video watching → every slide owner will add their own comments (everyone finish by first general of F20)

  6. Direct first years to Hardware Resources (for issue of lack of EE fundamentals) → (everyone)

  7. Working session for onboarding on Saturday’s (2pm to 5pm)(Off campus team - lead by James)

  8. After onboarding new members are good to join hardware standups