| Font / Typography / Spacing | | | | |
InGenius | Text Standards (capitalization rules, etc.) weight (bold, italic, regular) Company name in brand colours
| Dimensions/ Ratios Suggested Backgrounds, when to use each background Clearspacepace (element spacing from edge of background) Incorrect usage
| |
| |
Foursquare | | Incorrect usage versions grid
| | | |
Skype | | | | Mission Voice Strapline (slogans)
| |
Adobe | | When to use each logo Logo versions Print vs. Digital logos Incorrect Usage
| | | Imagery Photography Branded Merchandise Corporate Templates Email Signature Presentation Templates Stationary Copyright
Asana |
| When to use each logo Clearspace Logo versions Background colour rules Incorrect Usage
| | Trademark Merchandise rules
Uber | Font weights w/ Alphabets Pairings (weight + type class) Hierarchy CTAs Placement on imagery Do’s and Dont’s (coloured, capitalization, kerning, leading) Applications (examples for print and web)
| Construction Clearspace Colours Scaling Incorrect Usage Localization
| Primary vs. Secondary Name PMS HEX RGB CMYK
| | Illustrations Iconography Motion Photography Composition