2025-02-15 Team Sync Meeting

2025-02-15 Team Sync Meeting

Last Meeting before Midterms!!

  1. Mechanical

    1. Battery: Waiting for Sarah to make cell purchase (can arrive right after midterms if no delays happen). Pack design in progress.

    2. Dynamics:

      1. GitHub for matlab calculators made

        1. Rear Hub drawings finalized

          1. Email Brian and Rachel for material

      2. FSU mech design started

        1. Finished by March

      3. Steering mech design sprint introduced

      4. Pedal task working on possible designs, members doing research

        1. Design done by end of term

      5. RSU update

        1. Looking over RSU sims tasks (moving mounting points)

        2. Before End of March

          1. Bearing selection, spring selection, finalized idea of mounting point locations

  2. Electrical

    1. No significant updates, Solar cell tech report/Batt protection report/Battery report sent out to ASC/FSGP

      1. Board sendout this weekend, can be in within two weeks

      2. Boards - Solar sense, lighting, internal test boards (for development), PCS (needs to be reviewed). IMU

  3. Firmware

    1. IMU + Bootloader review for members

    2. GitHub must be updated (doesn’t support Linux system)

    3. Telemetry test w/ Eric Gao (after midterms)

  4. Operations

    1. Marketing

      1. MS16 logo design almost finalized, react to your favourite logo in ops-graphics

    2. Sponsorship

      1. Sponsorship potentially secured for rear hub, spindle

    3. Finance

      1. WEEF Proposals due March 6,

        1. Guideline for WEEF proposal: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1tX_V9ZZLAyruUS_0YwMDnZdbXwf3B-IaZNx6Xcwtztg/edit?tab=t.0

        2. Current WEEF allocations:

        3. https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1V4yUz8EjZCB78KKeBZ5JefzUg3Ql7SdXDFFWxUmVhuE/edit?gid=206716102#gid=206716102

        4. Include the amount of funding you require, and what the funding will go towards in #WEEF-Funding-S25 channel

      2. Exteriors/Composites: Finalize categories in Mech Budget list, request items that can be funded through EngSoc in #engsoc-requests-w25 forum channel

        1. Jaiden: Finish by today/tmrw


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