Revisions - BMS Current Sense
MSXIV BMS Current Sense 1.0
Changed the ADC to ADS1259
Added a buffer to the ADC input
Changed the LTC6820 to the MSOP package
Changed the isoSPI termination resistor to split termination
MSXIV BMS Current Sense 1.1
Changed the LTC6820 SPI mode from 0 to 1
MSXIV BMS Current Sense 2.0
Set LTC6820 EN high.
Added U.FL connectors to make BPS testing easier.
MSXIV BMS Current Sense 3.0
Pull Start pin of ADC low instead of high
Add a 0 ohm resistor for the LTC6820 master pin to make validation easier
Consider switching the U.FL connectors to something like these?