MCP 650 Parking Brake Mount Task

MCP 650 Parking Brake Mount Task

Project Information

This is a design task to create a mount for our new parking brake systems caliper, the MCP 650EP. If you haven’t already, I would recommend starting by reading this confluence page Ultimate MCP 650 Guide that gives a general overview of the caliper we are using Some of the important information that pertains to its mounting will be reiterated here.


Sheet Metal Thickness

The MCP 650ep is mounted with a 1/8” steel sheet metal plate that attaches between the brake pad and piston side of the caliper (a diagram of the caliper can be seen below). The brake caliper comes stock with a 1.75” sheet metal plate. However, this plate is too small to work with our design, so we are making a custom version of this plate BUT, this plate has to be 1/8” in thickness due to the calipers design (elaborated further in the MCP guide). This also means that we will likely have to implement a spacer into our design that serves as a medium between the sheet metal mount and mounting location.



Brake pad contact

ASC regulations stipulate that every caliper's brake pad must be in 100% contact with the vehicle's rotor. So, we have to mount the caliper in a location that allows for the brake pad to meet this criteria. Luckliy, since it is general practice to have the caliper’s brake pad be in full contact with the rotor, MCP has given us mounting dimensions to ensure this. However, the dimensions given are for their standard rotor sizes, our rotor diameter is 243.1mm (4.79in), meaning you will have to extrapolate the information given for our rotor.

Caliper Mtg Data.jpg
Our caliper is the one on the left, the 650


Mounting locations

Since we are creating this brake mount for a system that has already been designed our mounting options have to be compatible with already manufactured parts, the easiest place for us to mount this caliper would be through our steering arm (in blue).



Important Steps to Complete Project



Relevant CAD Files



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