Step 1 - Module Wiring Verification

As a first step to the production testing, we tested the wiring inside all of the module to ensure that everything was connected properly.

I created a board to do all the measurements for the cell voltages and thermistors, as well as a script to automate the testing. With this, it was as simple as plugging the module in, pressing a button, and reading the results.


Here is the script:

I used my 64 channel DAQ unit to measure the 9 analog signals. The voltage taps have resistor dividers added inline in the wiring to keep the total voltage under 3.3V for the DAQ.



Here are the results of the module wiring test. This test identified an incorrect voltage measurement on Module 13.

The module was inspected. Measuring with a multimeter, all the connections on the 14-pin connector coming from the module were correct, so the Battery Module Connector Board was replaced, and the test was re-run, now giving the correct value for the voltage measurement on Module 13. After more careful inspection, a bad solder joint on F6 of the BMC was identified and fixed. This BMC is now good to use as a spare.