August 8th Meeting Notes - F19 Planning
By Josh Rong
- cool down board
- lower capacitance, increase resistance of precharge and discharge
- better layout make it less compact, maight cuase bigger board
- debug circuit for spi
- more durac
- heat sink don't work, no contact with the resistor
- iso regulator don't work
- large fuses too tight
- discharge fet broke might be caused by water (water proof)
- large heat sink might be too heavy which can cause stress on the mount
- Add more fault protection for precharge
- Add Soft satert relay input (slew rate)
- Larger state of charge data storage (SD card)
- Current sense switch out ADC (limit range)
- Settle on having a light board
- need to implment 555 Timer and arrange pcb layout
- Figure out Location of the board
Rough Timeline
- First revision board send out: around one week after midterm (~Mid October)
- Agreed that designs are mostly done before next term midterm, deadline is one week after mid-term.
- Validation completion: 3 week after board recieve (ealry to mid Nove)
- Validation of each board can take various times, 3 week seems about right. (need further planing)
Other Notes
- Nothing will be change with the tut, Josh will fix the board.
- Didn't reach conclution about who hosting the workshops.