Driver Display setup

This is a list of things I did to get the driver display app running on the raspberry pi + driver display:

Driver display + raspi setup

Flutter app building

Note: this step cannot be done on the raspberry pi because the flutter SDK doesn’t currently support ARM.

  • clone the telemetry_xiv repo onto the box.

  • Install flutter with sudo snap install flutter --classic

  • switch flutter to the stable channel with flutter channel stable, then flutter upgrade

  • cd into the telemetry repo, then run flutter build bundle

  • copy (via scp or otherwise; I used WinSCP) the folder MSXIV_Driver_Display/build/flutter_assets to the pi

Setting up flutter-pi

Flutter pi is the flutter engine used to run flutter natively on the pi. It’s repo is here: GitHub - ardera/flutter-pi: A light-weight Flutter Engine Embedder for Linux Embedded that runs without X11 or Wayland.

  • on the raspberry pi, clone

  • install the dependencies listed in the dependencies section of the repo’s readme. This step was surprisingly straightforward, so I’m not repeating them here.

  • run make in the repo folder

  • the binary created is flutter-pi/out/flutter-pi

Running the app on the pi

  • FLUTTER_ASSETS = the folder you copied to the raspi from the box

  • FLUTTER_PI_BIN = the binary created from the flutter-pi repo

  • There’s lots of options for flutter-pi, but the simplest command to run the app is: