Driver Display Websocket Messages

This document defines the links between the data we collect from our solar car to what data is displayed on the driver display. The table below goes through each piece of data in the driver display and describes how we collect that piece of data.

Driver Display Feature

Data from Vehicle

Driver Display Feature

Data from Vehicle


The time is pulled from the Raspberry Pi

Speed (m/s)

id: 36 source: MOTOR_CONTROLLER target: "TELEMETRY" msg_name: "motor velocity" can_data { u16 { field_name_1: "vehicle_velocity_left" field_name_2: "vehicle_velocity_right" } }

Right / Left Signal

msg { id: 24 source: STEERING target: "LIGHTS" msg_name: "lights" can_data { u8 { field_name_1: "lights_id" field_name_2: "state" } } }

Battery Change

msg { id: 47 source: CHARGER # target: telemetry msg_name: "charger info" can_data { u16 { field_name_1: "current" field_name_2: "voltage" field_name_3: "status_bitset" } } }

Cruise Control

Drive State


BPS Warning

BMS Over Voltage

MCI Over Voltage