GPS Breakout Board

The following page expands on the chosen GPS breakout board to attach onto the RPI on the center console. It includes wiring troubleshooting details.

This RPI HAT (Hardware Attached on Top) will be connected to an existing Pi3b+. Assuming the worst case scenario, this RPI model is able to draw a maximum of 5.1W. The GPS module can draw 1-2W summing to a total maximum power draw of 6.1W-7.1W.

Above is the schematic for the RPI connection for the GPS HAT. Key pins are those not marked P#.

Below is the schematic for the center console RPI:

Notice that pin 8 & 10 overlap. These two pins overlap on UART pins which are used to communicate with the Pi through the serial port. In order to bypass this issue it is suggested to use a USB to UART bridge such as this one. By plugging the bridge into the RPI’s USB port and connecting the 4 pins to the HAT, the connection can still be established. The other key pins will be connected to the RPI using female-to-male connectors.