Meeting notes 8/06/20 Strategy+Telemetry Sync
@Former user (Deleted) @Jess Douglas Muir (Deactivated) @Avery Chiu @Umar-Farooq Shahid Sheikh (Deactivated)
Questions for strategy
Data storage requirements for strategy
Data access requirements for strategy
What’s shared between strategy and telemetry storage
Anyone know anything about battery box?
Questions from strategy
What’s the permanent solution?
How does it look while racing?
How does it work for future cars?
Napkin math for data ingress
1.2 kb from 150 fields, 8 bytes per field
Send message every 5 seconds, 16 hours a day
Equals 14 MB per day
Given 5 GB of storage, we’re ok for 357 days
Napkin math for data egress
10-15 seconds call period x 3 fields
Clarke data egress TBD
For 8-10 hours of racing, ~2000 calls
2000 * 10 b = 20 kb per day = “more than safe” - emma wai
Database research: (free tiers only)
512 MB
10 GB in/out per week
1 GB
50,000 reads per day
20,000 writes per day
Network egress 10 GB per month
GCP Cloud storage
5 GB-months
5,000 writes / month
Batched writes every 10 mins?
50,000 reads / month
1 GB egress per month
25 GB storage
2.5 million stream read requests
1 GB data transfer out / month
FRED Influx DB
50 mb size
2 day retention
Cosmo DB (Azure)
5 GB
400 ops/sec (reads, writes, updates, queries)
We’ll go with AWS DynamoDB for best future-proofing and for integration with backend for clients.
Strategy usage:
Models running through flask server somewhere
Always re-evaluating, sending to telemetry / strategy clients
Models run in preparation
Only run a few times, before the race. Don’t need to run them during the race.
Clarke’s web app?
Weather modeling?