DC-DC Inrush Current Testing
Test Method:
Wait for capacitors to be discharged, then turn on the power supply and measure the inrush current.
Between each test, we wait for the LED on the DC-DC converter to turn on (indicating input < 45V), then off again, indicating input < 2.5V.
Test Setup:
The inrush current is measured with the Keysight U1212A clamp meter using the 1mS peak mode.
The input capacitor voltage was measured using the Keysight multimeter.
Test Results:
Inrush Current (WITH ICL)
Power Supply Voltage (V) | Inrush Current (Test 1,2,3) (A) |
45 | 2.92, 2.92, 2.94 |
80 | 5.41, 5.38, 5.43 |
100 | 6.63, 6.72, 7.04 |
120 | 8.03, 8.00, 8.07 |
140 | 8.96, 8.94, 9.03 |
Inrush Current (WITHOUT ICL)
Power Supply Voltage (V) | Inrush Current Test (1,2,3) (A) |
45 | 9.66, 9.47, 9.65 |
80 | 12.08, 12.03, 12.06 |
140 | 12.08, 12.08. 12.19 |
Note: The power supply has a current limit of 20A, and goes in to current limit on all the 140V tests. For the 80V tests, it did not noticeably go into current limit, but it might have internally given on the values measured.
Capacitor Discharge Time (from 140V - 30V):
Test Number | Time (s) |
1 | 15.52 |
2 | 15.35 |
3 | 15.63 |