Mechanical & Interiors Sync | May 18, 2020

Meeting overview

These recurring syncs allow for the mechanical and Interior teams to discuss projects and tasks that involve or require input from both teams.

  • Meeting Goals :
    One is to determine which mechanical tasks/projects require additional work from interiors and the urgency of those tasks. Another is to give the mechanical team an opportunity to ask Interiors any questions and take time to discuss any present issues.

  • Attendees
    @Emily Guo @Micah Bai@Former user (Deleted) @Catherine Cai @Steven Poung @Leif Blake @SJ (Unlicensed) @kevin bui @Micah Black

Meeting minutes


Notes, decisions and action items


Notes, decisions and action items

Tasks for next week

@Former user (Deleted)@Kristen Emiko Shiozaki (Deactivated) Follow up with Tom about brake routing + accelerator pedal mechanism (DM him, don’t contact him through public channels)
@Former user (Deleted) to decide on the brake routing and follow-up up with Tom so Tom knows how much material to order
@Kristen Emiko Shiozaki (Deactivated) set up meeting w/ Tom to go over the brakes assembly
@Anna Wei Follow-up with Anna Wei about steering
(she’s currently making the tilt mechanism?)
@Former user (Deleted) to keep the design of lights an Interiors task
(also to talk about this with electrical members)
Follow up with Arshia about hinges for the door (structural standpoint)
Follow up with Jason about the current status with doors
@SJ (Unlicensed) to assign structure members to doors
Read regulations to look into rollover or side-collision considerations for chassis

Kevin and Tom mentioned that they need interiors finalized and for them to decide on routing for brakes and then they will purchase that (Brake pedal mounting)

  • Tom is waiting for Interiors to purchase brake lines
    (does not know where to route them yet and was hoping to work with Adrian to figure out what the route should look like from an Interiors perspective)

  • Tom didn’t know what the Interiors looked like and didn’t want to do something that Interiors would not be okay with

  • Pedal package is complete (90% of parts have been ordered and water jetted, some left with Hibar)

  • Caliper mounts are not completely finalized and are being designed

  • Accelerator Pedal - something is mocked up and there are parts to hold one, currently assigned to Tom (unsure of whether something is planned for purchase or if current materials are being used - Interiors believes its the same pedal as MSXII's)

  • Interiors needs to clarify & review the brake pedal assembly (would the cylinder be pressed all the way down? Will angling the cylinder cause problems?)

  • No guarantee that pedals will be comfortable to reach (pedals are currently not adjustable and are fixed) - built of the 50 percentile person (refer to anthropometrics table). May look into some sliding action to build-in, but will need investigation.

  • 2 lines (1 each) coming out of the master cylinders where one needs to go to the front, the other has to go to the rear (line going to the front will be easy to hide, back might be harder)

  • The line can be zip-tied to the frame - need to think about whether it will go along the floor, ceiling or catamaran

  • Adding length to the brake routing might bring up complications with bleading brakes. Further discussion needed


  • Telescoping mechanism, does it exist? (Pull pin out, put it in next hole) This exists and is there


  • Tubes going across the catamaran from front to back

  • Tubes to be placed along the bottom panel in the passenger compartments (Discussions to happen with

  • Concerns - might raise the floor where occupants are located (if it increases by >1 inch, could cause a problem)

  • May want to cover tubes from an Interiors perspective (may look into putting the tubes on either side of the occupant but they are meant to be structural)

  • MSXII had an 'x-frame' below the seats

Seat Mounting

  • Mounting to metal vs. composite?

  • Joint project between chassis & interiors, has not been worked on by Interiors yet (priority task this term)

  • Seat-mounting DRI needed from Interiors → Fillip?

  • Concern - seatbelt tabs (seatbelt mounting/locations were roughly defined but tabs have not been done)

  • Robin told Filip to work on the tabs in 1st semester, Jason said it was already done by someone else. Need to follow-up with Jason

@SJ (Unlicensed) Reach out to Fillip. Where are the seatbelts currently mounted to
(if mounted to B-pillar, will require adhesives but if it’s the chassis, can be welded)?

Battery Box Mounting

  • Renzo needs module layout and box dimensions to proceed

  • Module layout & dimensions are basically defined, but Micah will need to follow-up with chassis to finalize them

  • Battery Box Cover - mockup in CAD


  • Actual shape already defined (side panels have cutouts for them in the CAD)

  • The look, enclosure, and mounting will need to be defined

  • First section of the boards are done (rear lights done, all others will be the same electrically but just with a different mounting pattern)

  • Will it be thermoformed?

  • Interiors to design lights? And then maybe reach out to someone else to manufacture it

  • Nita & Pei have worked on revisions for lights from the hardware side


  • Arshia was designing hinges during the Winter 2020 term, Shalin might be doing latches (Arshia no longer has the bandwidth to help with this or steering)

  • Jason on doors? Project to be tackled by structures

  • Need to investigate side-collision protection (should have already been designed into the chassis)