Rhino is a powerful surface modeling tool that we are going to use to create the aerobody.
Overall Steps:
- Add background bitmap to the orthographic views in Rhino
- Draw 2D curves that represent key inflection points on the surface of the car
- Use the "curve from two views" tool to project the curve into 3D. Then rebuild the curve to simplify it
- Create surfaces from the curves. Use sweep between 2 rails as much as possible
- Blend surfaces with fillets, blends and other features
- Create closed polysurface (solid body)
- Rotate the model so that the wold frame aligns with the global coordinate system for MSXII.
- Downgrade the file to Rhino V4 for Solidworks 2015 compatibility or export it as an IGES
- Import the solid body into Solidworks and use the shell tool to make it a think aerobody panel
- Add an holes and mounting features to the panel in Solidworks
- Simple is better - Try to start with simple surfaces (sweeps are good)
- Blend the fillets between surfaces after the fact. Don't to make surfaces that are curvature continuous right off the bat