Steering Loading Calc and Simulation
This is gonna be complicated, with a whole lot of vectors. Take your time with it to be sure you understand each step.
Look over FSU Loading Calcs
Make sure you understand there is a moment acting in the axis of the upright that is not being stopped by any part (because spherical bearings don't have moment reactions)
Calculate the moment acting in this axis by calculating the sum of each directions' component to the axis.
For each of x, y, and z there are two components, one which is parallel to the upright’s axis, and one which is perpendicular to it. Determine these components of each X, Y, and Z, then sum the parallel components to determine the total torque acting around the axis.
Based off the moment calculated, determine the force acting at the node between the tie rod and steering arm. This force will be perpendicular to the upright’s axis, and perpendicular to the line between the node connecting the steering arm and upright, and the node connecting the steering arm to the upright.
Since the tie rod is a two force member, we need to calculate what the additional components of will be to keep the two force property of the other side loading the steering arm.
Based on the direction of the tie rod, and the value calculated in step 4, what the components of force acting in the following directions to make sure the resultant vector of the three is collinear with the tie rod.
Parallel to the line between the node connecting the steering arm and upright.
Parallel to the upright axis.
Use this loading in your simulation.