Byron Hopps / circuit design, mechanical/electrical integration
If you organize a 1-on-1 with this person, then fill in the timeslot and your name in the table below.
Timeslot | Organizer | Other notes |
Mon. Feb. 22, 9pm-9:30pm EST | @Micah Black | Work time permitting @aashmika might join |
Sun. Feb 21, 5pm-5:30 pm EST | @Odianosen Okojie |
Feb 22
General - 2nd gen member of ISC (and CalSol), now working on Apple
Question 1: What are your thoughts on E-Fuses (BTS7080-1EPA or TPS1H160-Q1) vs traditional fuses for LV circuit protection?
They both work - e-fuses are better to plan since they don’t blow. Are a little less failsafe - little more potential to go wrong - bigger fuse in case
maybe have a 1A fuse and a 10A fuse just in case in series
Question 2: What's the best lab equipment investment that you would recommend / the places you've worked have bought?
A good power supply - to actually charge the pack with
Source Measure unit (good battery simulator)
Saelea Logic Analyzer - student pricing - has analog channels as well
Boards for the car - assembled by people they trust - 3 boards. 1 to use, 1 to lose, 1 as a spare
Sometimes reflow the bottom, hand-solder the top
Tweezer line, everyone has a few parts
Have a soldering party
Board preheater - meccal, buy the cheap one if it breaks then get something better
JBC, Thermaltronics, meccal, etc. can dump heat really fast
Knowing assembly process means we can select parts that work for this.
Question 3: What are the general approaches you take for deciding when to modularize systems?
Splitting it up more in order to make sense
Ask why you’re doing things the way you’re doing
Spread out boards and have boards that do one thing well
Makes it easier for firmware as well
there can be too much modularity
Subboard for each lights driver might be too much…
More generic boards can be used on multiple cars.
Think of where custom electronics for a competitive edge
Question 4: To follow up with a discussion you had during your presentation, what suggestions might you have for counteracting car vibration when designing board mounts?
The mechanical bits
Connectors, buttons, switches, relays - these will give you problems
electromechanical components will give you problems
Lok at vibration specs
make sure that every fastener is secure with support mechanism - even for electrical systems
Strain relief - gluing part to board
Can stuff vibrate out?
Are the wires close to edges - you can cut through the insulation
Likes to avoid wires - keep it nice and simple
improperly crimped connectors where there is a stranded wire that foes and vibrates and fails strand by strand
avoid screw terminals
must have faith in isolated connections (not easy to remove on the fly)
Strain relief
How the wire joins the pin - solder will wick up through the strands
Spread out the strain
Small wires (higher gauge) are what matters the most - more strand have to fail before you have a problem
Question 5: What kind of efficiencies for the main low voltage systems DCDC converters have you seen from other teams, and what are the heat dissipation methods you have found are used most often with them?
Vicor that they used didn’t require active cooling (nor a heatsink) -
If you have to heatsink a VR - you should think about making this more efficient. If you get rid of X watts, then make the converter more efficient
Moving serious power - definitely target above 95%
MPPTs - they have their own - 50g and same efficiency as the Elmar Solar ones.
Derek Chou - IEEE explore will have a paper on it
GAN Fets. The best stuff is made by solar car teams.
Feb 21
Question 1: What are the most common causes for electrical failure during competition?
People plugging the wrong connectors
fix with plugs that can’t be plugged in the wrong way
reverse voltage protection
zener diode for higher input voltage range
fuse for overcurrent
zener clamp
Spraying water on the solar array (for keeping cool)
need appropriate drainage
Not securing wires/cables
crimped connectors recommended
Question 2: Numerous teams have implemented sequential lighting. Do you have any advice for designing these?
Specific board for sequencing
keep in mind things like turn signal vs hazards
Need to be able to split LED arrays into segments.
Question 3: What would be the limiting factors in terms of electrical integration if making a solar powered EV larger than a cruiser (e.g: van for instance) ?
Sun needs to be powering a significant portion of car during operation. Not possible with current technology.
Solar panels need to improve (the hard part)
Electric motors also need to improve (realistic)
Question 4: Apart from battery technology, what other key areas in the system do you think need the most innovation to make EVs more accessible to the consumer market?
See above
Electric power train; efficiency so high in electronics that active cooling is no longer required.
Question 5: What would you say would be the best ways to learn circuit design for people who are new to it, especially in a remote environment ?
By doing - kinda hard in COVID though lol
Doing layout/schematics
“I wonder how xyz works” + simulations (ex. using LTSpice)
Discrete logic/FPGAs instead of software control
Talk to people and ask the right questions (leads/alumni e.t.c)
Question 6:
Insert answer here…