Steve McMullen / batteries, electrical inspector, on-road inspector
If you organize a 1-on-1 with this person, then fill in the timeslot and your name in the table below.
Timeslot | Organizer | Other notes |
Mon. Feb 22 10am-11am EST | @Micah Black | @aashmika to join |
Thu. Feb 25 5:30pm-6:30pm EST | @Odianosen Okojie |
Question 1: What are your thoughts on E-Fuses (e.g. BTS7080-1EPA or TPS1H160-Q1) vs traditional fuses for circuit protection on the LV side?
low voltage systems - they are great because they can be cheaper
efuses right for the mains because they are high speed
efuses are more predictable in general
zonka/other relays similar → most durable high voltage relays
Relay contacts fuse
Question 2: What are features that you would like to see in future BPS/BMS implementations?
Battery should have no sources or sinks
Power BPS from the Auxiliaryshould always be able to tell when the BPS has tripped remotely
prefer that even AFEs and LTC6812 are not powered by main
if its powered off of main and is in UV → then it will continue to drain and cause a latent failure
Plan remote charge of the
Under voltage increase probability of latent failure
Under voltage cells
precipitate out lithium for the anode and serves as a pathway for dendrites to form
really bad under voltage will make this worse
Latent failures will happen
Consider changing LV voltage cutoff and HV cutoff for the
Impedance on the
Impedance measured for the cells follows discharge/charge curve critical slope (the difference in impedance of each cell affects this significantly)
Question 3: What are some ways that you have seem to decrease electrical system cost while maintain easy repairs (e.g. not just putting everything on one PCB)?
Question 4: Safe ways to store batteries - discord post follow-up
if no losses on the pack, then there should be no failures during storage
bad cells will degrade the pack
other usual measures for storing batteries
Question 5: What backup planning strategies (as it refers to components and alternates) have you seen most successful when going to comp?
Testing and backup assemblies
Common unit - change on the fly
Lots of backups
maybe sponsor reflow ovens → lots of reflow ovens being recycled
Question 6: What tool investments for manufacturing are worthwhile to have at a higher (and inevitably more expensive) quality? Ex. We have realized investing into brand-name crimping tools has significantly increased our quality of crimp and uph.
adequate resolution is needed
Question 7: Do you have any strategies/suggestions for PCB manufacturing without access to a work bay?
Just outsource it, see if companies will sponsor - part-assembling at JLCPCB
theoretically 16% outliers on either side of the normal distribution for cells for testing (normal distribution characteristics)
have to check the cells within 6 months to make sure none of the outliers are deficient
put the outliers in a separate isolated container
Some people will just get rid of reflow ovens - keep track of industry
Dan was a battery guy at Missouri
Won with lead acid batteries in the age of NiMH and NiCd
Push for 1000 miles of testing!!!
Steve designed the motor and gear train and battery
All cars were destroyed - protect liability
Michigan has both Ford and GM as sponsorships
Sponsor with the engineers
‘Tesla can’t get along without active balancing or sorting'
Getting air through the cells
Airstream such that the cross secitonal area grows as it travels along
Distributed airflow via perfboard (distribution method)
Maintain flow in the battery pack
You know the heat in the cells - that will dictate the amount of air through the cells.
How much heat can you get into the air?
Conical washers - make sure to use them
Not enough length of bolt to cause stretch in the bolt
Busbar heats up and cools down - relaxes the pressure over time
Post-assembly thermal test on the connection methods
IR camera, etc.
Steve is a bit worried about the stainless for the material flow
Need to have SoC (voltage) for each of the supplemental
can have self powered sensor if it is not driving the car in any way
Don’t want 40 sensors and no supplemental
WSC does not allow any supplementals
Teams that have tried to modify Tritiums have caused Tritium problems…
Western Michigan has used Tritiums for quite some time
Lengths can be pretty estimated for wiring diagram because small changes can happen on the fly
maybe have an extra foot of wire
label wire on either ends of the interconnects
Abrasion failures - suspension-caused
motor sense leads
Power leads
Pigtails and such to the array - pulling contact sense off the arrays
Holds up in weather and heat
addition to wiring diagram
Feb 25
Question 1: What are the areas of innovation in battery technology?
Energy capacity is going up
Anyone that does balancing is wasting energy …?
Weaker cell limits the pack
Question 2: How do people enter this field
industry is going leaps and bounds
Question 3: What kind of skills needed to be better with battery technology?
Have to understand characterization of batteries
So a bunch of chemical knowledge of cells and their energy capacity and how that affects electricity
BatteryUniversity - website for learning stuff about batteries
compendium for battery knowledge
Question 4: In your experience doing inspections, common problems seen with solar cars?
Checks regulations to use
Teams usually forget:
Power labels on switch and driver compartment
Labels on emergency switch
More extreme problems:
Teams don’t have an isolated car
Dynamic braking