Member Info: How to Reimburse your Expenses
After your purchase has been made:
Fill out the Reimbursement Request Form with all the required information and include your receipt(s) and bank statement(s).
Reimbursement Request Form:
A finance member will send you a PDF through email that includes a filled out expense claim form and your support documents.
Check that all the information on the expense claim form is accurate (address, student ID, $amount, etc.)
Sign the expense claim form (highlighted area)
Send an email to Finance Leads and PMs containing the certification statement and signed PDF
Email addresses to include:,;;;
Certification statement: I , (team member name here), certify that all expenditures in this claim adhere to the University's policies, were incurred by me for University purposes, and have not been/will not be reimbursed from another source.
That’s it!
A finance member will reach out to you around a month after your email has been sent to ensure that you have received your money.