Week #4 Spindle - June 14/2023

Week #4 Spindle - June 14/2023

File Version: Beginnings 6.0

Material - 4340 Steel Annealed was used

Error Message: A large displacement error message occurred. Clicked no to continue with the study.



The fixture locations are shown in the screenshot below.



Loading Case 1 (total selected for all loading cases - correct if incorrect)

There is a 2096.57y force from the inner hub to the spindle. The loading case and results are shown below.


Loading 2

Outer Hub to the spindle is -6872y, 74.34z

The inner Hub to Spindle is -1080.4 (OMITTED), 9033y, 1006z

(changed to total in sim)


Simulation fail error


Loading Case 3

Please correct if the location of the x-direction load is incorrect,

Outer Hub to spindle: 759x, 4834y, -52.28z

Inner Hub to Spindle: -3314y, 812z

There were NO thread lines on the Solidworks file that was provided. As a result, it was impossible to apply an x-direction load. Not sure if this was a file upload error or an improper upload on my part. See below for more detail I can correct this once a new file is provided or issue fixed.


Loading Case 4

Outer Hub to Spindle: -8786y, 95z

Inner Hub to Spindle: -1381x(OMMIT), 11549y, -1476z



Loading Case 5

Outer hub to spindle: 971x, 6180y, -66z

Inner hub to Spindle: -4237y, -904z

There were NO thread lines on the Solidworks file that was provided. As a result, it was impossible to apply an x-direction load. Not sure if this was a file upload error or an improper upload on my part.


