Trial 3
The third trial is using a convex mold with a lot more curvature. We did this because we wanted to test how vacuum would pull over a convex mold and see how increased curvature would work (although for the final headlight we ideally do not want too much curvature popping out of the aerobody). I also made the edges more clear (to act as trim lines).
Sanding Process:
For this I just sanded the headlight surface with 600 grit paper (this is quite literally the lowest grit possible otherwise you might gouge). The sanding blocks are problematic because the edges gouge the surface so avoid those, use sand paper only.
The paper edges can also gouge so try to hold the sanding paper such that the edges are curved up and only the middle really touches the mold.
Material: 3mm
Melting Time: We gave it approximately a 5 minute warm up. After this five minute warm up, it took 4 minutes 20 seconds to be melted equal from all corners and 2-3 inches of a drop. I used the back tip of an eraser to confirm the corners. This was a very important step and it kind of ensured that no webbing occurred.
Everything was good for this trial, timing, melting, Aidan pulling it down both ends perfectly, just the mold melted. This was partially expected, but now we got the go from Brian and Graeme to do and MDF mold.
The very little amounts of webbing that has occurred is due to the melting of the foam, vacuum was good.
Wood Test:
We tested with a wood mold, the surface finish was a lot better, it pulled out easier, and the mold is in better shape. I have talked to Graeme and they have agreed to working with a wood mold, so the final mold will be made out of wood. This also saves us materials and time!