Bathtub Wet Layup Solutions
Problem: The layup for the aero shell (nickname bathtub) didn’t go according to plan and is partially infused. We need to get resin in the dry fabric to make a solid part, how is the question.
Criteria | Weighting | Solution #1 | Solution #2 | Solution #3 | Solution #4 | Solution #5 |
Solution | N/A | Proset INF 114 + 210 | Proset INF 114 + 211 | Proset INF 114 + 212 | Solution 1,2,3 as re infusions | Use MGS 285/287 |
Work Time | 1st | Wet layup + bag (60 minutes) | Wet layup + bag (110 minutes) | Wet layup + bag (4hrs) |
| Wet layup + bag (6 hrs) |
Method | 2nd | Wet Layup | Wet Layup | Wet Layup | Infusion | Wet Layup |
Vac Time | 5th | hold vacuum for 1 hr | hold vacuum for 10 hrs | hold vacuum for 18 hrs |
| vac not required (cure time 25 hrs, bag only needs to be present until gelation 8-10hrs) |
Properties | 3rd | 8.7 GPa Tensile Strength | 7.8 GPa Tensile Strength | 8.0 GPa Tensile Strength |
| 500 MPa Tensile Strength (70 MPa w/o carbon fiber) |
Cost | 4th | $900 | $900 | $900 | $900 | ~$1200 (quote for $1100) |
Procurement Time | 2nd | 1 Day | 1 Day | 1 Day | 1 Day | 5 Days |
Notes | N/A | Same mix as first infusion |
| Same infusion again, but different lines |
Criteria | Weighting | Solution #1 | Solution #2 | Solution #3 | Solution #4.1 | Solution #4.2 | Solution #4.3 | Solution #5 |
Solution | N/A | Proset INF 114 + 210 | Proset INF 114 + 211 | Proset INF 114 + 212 | Proset INF 114 + | Proset INF 114 + | Proset INF 114 + | Use MGS 285/287 |
Work Time (Time to Gel State) | 5 | 0 | 1 | 2 | 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 |
Method | 4 | 0 | 0 | 0 | -1 | -1 | -1 | 0 |
Vac Time | 1 | 0 | -1 | -2 | 0 | -1 | -2 | 0 |
Properties | 3 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | -1 |
Cost | 2 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | -1 |
Procurement Time | 4 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | -1 |
Sum (with weighting) |
| 0 | 4 | 8 | -4 | 0 | -4 | 6 |
Before a hard decision is made an additional discussion over mechanical strength is needed.
Since the two sets of resin would act as two separate bodies, the mechanical strength of the part is something to consider.
All cases would include this addition layup, however solution 5 extends to a 5.1 case and a 5.2 case.
This additional layup will be done using MGS 285/287.
For Solutions 1 through 4 each cost would add 1.2k for the resin.
Solution 5.1 would be two separate layups - cost double
Solution 5.2 would be a single lay up - bad for procurement (time would increase) plus cost doubles
The importance of cost does not change, and the relative scores would not change either
This means the best solution is Solution #3.
Now a quick outline of what the working schedule will be with everything we need to do.
Work Schedule
Tuesday -
take off bag (0.25 hrs) (6-8 people)
remove loose bits of infusion mesh (1 hr) (4 people)
make new bag (2.5 hrs) (Michael + Jaiden)
set the new bag on (0.5 hrs)
no spray tack needed
develop tools for wet laying the inside of the mold (0.5 hrs)
make a fourth structure around the nose (0.5 hrs)
get a smart plug
Wednesday to do the layup
Start mixing at 6pm
Extra equipment
2 boxes of gloves
More paintbrushes
Cut the aluminum tubes
4 hours before gel state
1.5 hrs for wet layup (Michael, Jaiden, Jasmine, ~Nathan, ~Emily, ~Jens, ~Malcolm, ~Katherine)
set the outlets (0.25 hrs)
closing the bag (1 hr)
set the structures to prevent the mold from flexing (0.25 hrs)
Sometime on the 16th or 17th do the additional layup