Cutting Aluminum Bars with the Bandsaw

Important Notes:

  • The most important thing is marking your cuts accurately.

  • The metal bar can be very hot the way to solve this if you are uncomfortable with the heat is using push blocks and a Vise-Grip.

  • Make sure to sand the burrs off of the bars because they can be sharp.

  • Follow all safety procedures (reread the section of bandsaw before use).

  • Relax and be calm it will be safer, and your cuts will be cleaner.

Straight Cuts:

  • The simplest cut but there are some things to know:

    • Keep your hands away from the blade as much as possible:

      • If you have to cut close to the edge, use a wood block.

      • A clamp wrench may be used instead to hold the piece.

    • Keep the markings line straight and in direct path to the blade.

      • Helps keep motion simple.

    • Hold the metal piece firmly.

      • To prevent pieces flying off.

      • Helps control the cuts.


  • Have the tall side face the blade first as there is better control of the piece when cutting.

  • Then hold the piece firmly and push up towards the blade.

  • As you cut the piece, it may get really hot, so a push block and clamp may be recommended.

An example of cut is shown below:

Straight Cut Technique Ex.


Angled Cuts:

  • Draw two vertical lines, one dotted and one solid

  • Draw a diagonal (solid) line from one corner of the square to the other

  • Cut along the diagonal line while keeping your hands away from the blade

  • Draw a vertical (dotted) line that matches the width of the previous cut and then draw a diagonal (solid) line from the intersection to the sharp edge

  • Cut along the diagonal line

Box Cuts:

  • Draw a rectangle to the specified dimensions.

  • Draw a line through the rectangle in a way that it's not corner to corner but corner to about 2/3s the way through with a slight bend, so the blade becomes parallel with the cut line. Following the first two steps results in something like this:

  • The first cuts are the small sides of the rectangle.

  • The next cut is a long-curved cut and this is the most difficult cut because you have to angle it slightly as you go through the cut. Position your hands like the angled cut to start but when you are parallel with the cut line use the block to push the bar the rest of the way.

  • The next cut is done with the block as well and you cut remaining portion of the box out. As shown below: