FSU Updates 5/19/23
FSU Updates 5/19/23
Rest Case:
2746.8 Newtons acting upwards - force acts over acer that is in contact with the spindle.
114.4042 Nm acting in the negative z direction along the contact are with the spindle
Forward left acceleration:
419.2484 N in the negative x direction
838.4968 N in the positive y direction
419.2484 N in the positive z direction
Moment in the negative z direction shown here - all other moments are added in the same way for their respective axis (I was just too lazy to post another picture)
Rigid bearing supports with self-alignment selected
Tried using an advanced fixture on cylindrical faces and restricted movement in all but rotational. (I think)
Interactions: No interactions - simulated as a single part
At rest:
Forward left acceleration:
Deformation shown at 1500
At rest:
Need to look at fixtures and forces again - simulation shows that there will be a failure by the bearing, but I think that it’s because I added the loads or fixtures incorrectly. The problem may come from the fixtures.
Forward left acceleration:
Changing the fixtures from bearing to advanced seemed to help, but I am still uncertain is it is the best option. The model isn’t failing this time but the motion of deformation seems strange. Could be coming from the moments.
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