Chassis Roof Tilt Mechanism
Step 1: Figure mounting planes/locations (highest priority)
reach out to ASC to see if only the driver needs to prop the roof and if we need the prop tube in the car
regulations page to keep on track with our design
more tubing needed in that area
solar array terminals (lower priority, but might shift everything)
type of tubing
propping location ( consideration )
Step 2: Figure out mount height/location (highest priority)
figure out where more tubing will go if mounting in currently free space
prop mount point on the chassis/aero
cough “Adan”
Step 3: Nodal Diagram / fitment
play around with the tilt angle and the four bar dimensions
will the linkages fit beside one another, etc…
compare to off the shelf parts
Step 4: Finalize and optimize
decide on whether OTS or new design
start looking into cost comparisons
come to a final decision on mount locations and other points