Doors Design Review - April 15, 2021
Purpose |
Attendees | @Renzo Villanoy @Geoffrey Liu @Joy He (Deactivated) @Tiger Ye |
The same slide deck is being used for check-in updates. The specific slides from the April 15 design review are at the tail end of the deck.
Form Factor
Mounting hinge to chasses with M6 bolts
Will need to cut sections out of the side panel, which will be covered in a thin neoprene
Latch System
Two different handles for the interior and exterior
Exterior handle → pushrod system, to 3D print
Pushrod 'z' pieces is made up of 2 pieces connected together → to try and close the gap into more of a triangle
To test how much force the handle can withstand
Will be 3D printing parts for quick prototyping
Bear claw latch snaps onto the striker on impact
Latch striker is a threaded rod secured to the chassis with 2 nuts
Latch mounts to be 3D printed
Concerns and low confidence in the structural integrity of the parts
multiple parts, many being 3D printed → concerns around fatigue, especially sicne the doors will be swinging open and closed very often
Many of these could be laser cut sheet metal instead
Initial sim results might be a factor off due to how course the mesh used
Next steps
Refine constraints
No 90 degree bends seen - all are fitted
Is it possible to merge the latch cover and handle cover?
Was told to split them up by Adrian
Shouldn’t be a problem if they’re split up since the parts are so small
Latch cover molds might want to be removed versus the handle covers
A problem that happened with aero - side panels are separate from the doors which left them to manufacture an extra 4 molds when they could have just done one mold and cut out the shapes of the panels afterward
Interior Door Panels
Different for the front and back
3 different fiberglass parts and a wooden armrest make up the interior panels
cantilevers were recommended by the machinist for the armrest → possibly some concerns
Unknown | Hinges assembly (reliant on SI) |
2 months | Manufacturing molds and panels (might be 3 months) |
1 week | Installing hinges and door |
1 week | Installing latch and panels |
Will, unfortunately, be dictated by covid
Can install latches while manufacturing molds (can be done in parallel)
Potential Future Purchases
Foam cutter?
Mcmaster carr order for bolts, buts and washers (if we cannot salvage any from the bay)
Need. 3main ones to interface between: metal and composite, 3D printer filament and composite, wood and composite
3D printing filament → PETG or polycarbonate?