ASC/FSGP Competition Regulations

ASC/FSGP Competition Regulations

Due to the infotainment system requiring the connection of a phone for certain features to work, we will need to make sure we abide by cell phone usage guidelines and see if thare are any potential blockers.

Overall, we should be okay using the phone but we’ll need to figure out how we can mount / keep it in place while the car is in motion.

Cell Phone Usage (FSGP 2020 - RevD)

11.7.A Driver Communications All communications by the solar car driver must be verbal and hands-free at all times.
Hands-free operation is defined as operation where the driver can activate the radio without removing his/her hands from the steering wheel. If voice communication systems utilize volume detection rather than a push-to-talk button to initiate transmission, the communication system must be full-duplex.


11.7.B.1 Cell phones are permitted within the solar car.
Any use of a cell phone in the car will need to be on a hands-free basis. Use of cell phone must comply with all local laws pertaining to cell phone use within a vehicle. Any cell phone must be fixed in position (i.e. not loose within the driver compartment).


12.4 Radios / Communication The team must be in two-way radio communication with the solar car driver at all times.
Communications should be maintained between the solar car, the pit area, and the timing area at all times. Driver communication requirements are found in section 11.7. Cell phones MAY be allowed as the primary communications device during the Track Event, depending on line-of-sight obstructions to 2-way radio communication at the track selected for the Event.

