Frame Design

Frame Design

Crush Zone Regulations:

  • Can take the form of additional tube frames that are designed to yield at 5g impact, or other energy absorbing material
  • The outer face of the crush zone shall encompass a perimeter of a minimum of 100 mm (4”) vertical, and length greater than the distance between the occupant’s hips and shoulders

  Red Box: 5g loading applied doors and position of loading respect to ground

Rough Door Dimensions:

Stage 1: Design

Industrial Car Door Frames

ModelPictureDimensioned SolidWorks SketchSolidWorks Simulation Results
2017 Kia Sportage

2018 Jeep Compass

2016 Rolls-Royce Phantom


2015 Mercedes-Benz S Class

Ford Edge

2014 Jeep Cherokee

2017 Volkswagen

Car Door Frame

2014 Volkswagen Touareg

Stage 2: Test