
The "Resources" Space

The Resources page contains general resources and information that is not specific to a single vehicle. This page is broken down into several subpages:

The "Vehicle Design" Page

MSXII has a Vehicle Design page with subpages for specific categories of the vehicle's design. Currently the subpages are:

Each of the subpages will use the following format: 

 Vehicle Design Subpage Format


Table of Contents


Journal entries should be in reverse chronological order. 

YYYY-MM-DD Description of Journal Entry

By @

The journal section of each subpage will help track any progress made on that category of the vehicle design. Journal entries can be as detailed or as brief as you feel necessary. Make sure to include appropriate links and state the author of the journal entry. 

Children of these Vehicle Design subpages should be about specify projects related to that category. For example the Suspension & Steering subpage may have children such as: Steering Column Engineering, Selection of Rack and Pinion, Geometric Analysis of Suspension, FEA of Suspension, etc. Use the following template for a specific project that falls under a Vehicle Design Subpage: