Transformer Research
- Jonathan Xie
Background Research
Magnetics Design for High Performance Power Converters:
Flux lines in an air coil are very leaky (hard to control), so use magnetic core to control it
high permeability material allows control of where flux flows
if the primary flux flows to secondary flux, can get transformer voltage conversion
S is magnetic reluctance
if you have a core with high permeability (μr = 1000), then only the reluctance of the gap really matters (since μ0 = 4pi*10^-7
B can be defined as Bmax, saturation flux density
energy is stored in volume of air gap (B = Area * Length of Air Gap)
if you need a tranformer that stores a certain amount of energy, then u can set B = Bmax and then solve for volume of air gap
Focusing on L = N^2/S, we see that as S increases, we need greater N to get the desired amount of inductance
Power Loss Mechanisms:
Hysteresis in magnetic material (energy in graph is energy lost per switch)
Eddy Currents (since the core itself is conductive)
Datasheets provide core power loss, in Watts, as a function of frequency
Ferrite has lowest core loss, but has lower Bsat and worse under high temperature conditions (but we don’t need high so let’s use Ferrite)
Skin Effect: When in AC, the current ends up flowing around the skin of the conductor, not the whole area
So if we plot it for copper, we see that, for a given frequency, you shouldn’t use a wire with a greater diameter than the skin depth (e.g. at 100kHz, don’t use conductor with >0.42mm dia)
Proximity loss: conductors flowing next to each other will repel or attract
reduces area used to conduct, so impedance increases
so stacking lots of coils next to each other will increase impedance
Fringing loss: fringing magnetic fields leaking from the core will hit the primary coils and start generating eddy currents, which will increase heat! (and thus also impedance)
Rule of thumb: Keep windings >3 airgap distances from the airgap
Designing a Transformer for a Flyback Converter:
E = 0.5*Ipk*L^2
How to calc Ipk?
What is current density J? Why is it 3A/mm?
What is a reasonable packing factor to assume?
Building the transformer:
Use Tex-E wire for secondary wire so there’s no shorts and no additional insulation needed
Measuring Properties:
Primary Leakage Inductance can be calculated by shorting the secondary coils together and then powering the primary side
Primary/Secondary resistance: AC has much higher resistance than DC (cuz losses above)
Using RMS current, switchin freqneyc and resistance, can find winding loss (W)
Fundamentals of Making your own Transformer:
180W Example
Core Factor:
Transformer Core Research
Transformer design handbook from UNC Charlotte
Equation for DCM:
See page 16 for DCM
See page 12
Good resource from electroncis tutorials: Transformer Construction of the Core and Transformer Design
Ferrite core HF transformer design #ferriteTransformer@scienceinnovativebrain
According to this video, this formula is the rule of thumb