Battery Modules - Retrospective

I’m listing here things that might have been a good idea to add/remove from the modules or things that I might want to change on future designs.

  1. With only the 4 aluminum standoffs in the corners, the cell holder pieces were bowing a little in the middle when the bolts were tightened. A 5th aluminum standoff in the middle, but the best workaround we found was to epoxy the middle cells in place and use them to secure the 2 sides of the module together. See the assembly guide for details.

  2. The passthrough connections of the fuse board seem to take a lot of extra wires and crimps, which takes a lot of extra time. We maybe should have pushed for a wireless BMS for this version to save assembly time (only 1 connector required). Just wanted to put this down as something I noticed that we could save assembly time on.