

Project team:
Project supervisor(s):Roberto S. Enkerlin 




Background Information

Storage is a practicality measure element necessary due to regulation weight requirements of driver and passengers. Storage impact dynamics, internal spacing and design. 


Design a storage compartment that does not impact dynamic performance of the vehicle heavily. Storage shall be large enough and robust enough to carry X kg in a X cubic cm volume (TBD). 

Project Requirements

Rayce Regulations

These are requirements driven by the Rayce regulations. 

  • Look through regulations for WSC/ASC and find out if anything might get in the way of the above goal. 

Internal Requirements

These are requirements driven by Midnight Sun. 

  • List requirement that Midnight Sun is imposing on the project
  • Refer to requirements in ARCH-01

Soft requirements

These criteria would be nice to have but not critical to the project's success: 

  • List soft requirement that Midnight Sun is imposing on the project


  • Type your task here, using "@" to assign to a user and "//" to select a due date


Come up with at least three designs and explain the advantages and disadvantages of each. Include sketches and screenshots of CAD models where applicable.