Mech-Onsite Updates
Mechanical members will fill out the table below if they have been on-site. This will help us know what happened on-site and keep track of the timeline.
Overall progress on tasks will be tracked here:
Date | Member | Goals for Today | Progress/Updates | Concerns/Notes |
October 31 2020 | Shi Jing Yang and Min Qian Lu |
| Mold release test layup | Prepreg is coming out a big sketchy (bendy in some small areas of the edges/corners). Could be due to improper cure cycle. Will look into it Mold release also applied and cured far below recommended temp (cured at 0 Celsius) |
October 31 2020 | Isabella Shcneider, Michael Hanley, Colby Wang, SJ, Min |
| Mold release applied to big glass panel | spotty application? |
Nov 1 2020 | Michael Hanley, Johnson Duong, Isabella Schneider, Joy He and Min |
| Front Bulkhead layup | Vacuum bag was not held for the full 8 hour cure |
Nov 2 2020 | Winnie Lin and Min |
| Vacuum bag failure investigation + tiny bit of F.bulkhead release | How to deal with tape not adhering to mold release? Apply mold release to other side? or sand current side |
Nov 3 2020 | Colby Wang |
| Cut breather cloth | To clean working area |
Nov 3 2020 | Isabella, Brielle, XP, Min |
| Pick up and cut carbon fiber, disassembled oven for space | might not have enough CF for 45 deg offset rear bulkhead legs - another conestoga run? Puzzle piece scraps? |
Nov 3 2020 | Kimberly Liu |
| Connected left and right side of overall chassis jig. Added clamps for securing bottom panel tubes. | May need to move the chassis jig so it doesn’t block access to the tools area. |
Nov 3 2020 | Micah Black |
| Bent current collectors for battery box |
Nov 4 2020 | Micah Black, Michael Hanley, XP, Min |
| Moved MSXII chassis to E3 for scrap | Need more particulate filters for respirators (P100 and fits on the respirators - apparently we have 2 or 3 different styles of cartridge adapters) |
Nov 5 2020 | Kaveet, Isabella, Filip, Min | Remove front bulkhead, tape off and apply mold release to other side of glass | goals + peel ply was cut by Filip
Everything is ready to go for Layup, tomorrow will be a last check Chassis:
Nov 6 2020 |
Nov 7 2020 |
| Aero
Chassis |
Nov 8 2020 |
| Aero
| May need to assess if front bulkhead can be redone/reinforced 4.5 hour cure at 83.5 set point, (+3, -1 range) works? will cf cure properly? |
Nov 9 2020 |
| Aero:
| Aero:
| Popping out the bottom panel needs planning and techniques. Looking to pop out bottom panel Tuesday/Wednesday. Difficulty is unknown - pending how mold release was applied to the bottom panel. Powder coating - if we are taping sections off for welding, but there are many sections that would need to be determined and taped-off. Note: although using epoxy would be stronger than painting. Option 2: trimming the bulkheads to be fit into the chassis after the welding is completed. Kimberly will look into this tonight.
Nov. 10, 2020 | Kimberly Liu, Colby Wang | Chassis:
| R bulkhead stencil ran into some issues with printer printable area, will try again tomorrow Some bottom panel sanding done, cleaned for Montesano visit tomorrow Chassis:
bulkheads trimming: trim left and right sides of A-BH, C-BH should be okay as is (measured distances in cad to make sure the panels would be able to slide in). | Trimming the bulkheads may impact structural integrity of the chassis. FEA should be done? Tommy and Kimberly to sync this ASAP. What are the Chassis sims without the bulkheads? (If we have time) This will determine how important the bulkheads are to the chassis. |
Nov. 11, 2020 |
| Chassis:
Nov. 12, 2020 |
| Aero:
| Chassis:
| Need an extra day for chassis welding, will have to push pick up for powder coating to Wednesday. Gussets cannot be done in the same day due to time. To discuss plans about tubes dimensions. May need to bring to machine shop to trim. Aero:
Nov. 13, 2020 |
| Aero:
| Chassis:
| Chassis:
Nov. 14 2020 |
| Battery modules laid out, instructions made. Cleaned up the bay. |
Nov. 15, 2020 |
| Chassis:
Nov. 16, 2020 |
| Chassis:
| Chassis:
Battery Box:
Nov. 17, 2020 |
| Chassis:
Battery Box:
| Chassis:
| Troublesome areas:
Front Bulkhead Layup - Sat/Sunday
Wet Layup - details tomorrow |
Nov. 18, 2020 | Colby, Kimberly, Tommy | Chassis:
| Chassis:
Nov 19, 2020 |
| Chassis:
| Chassis:
| Full weld - requires Friday, Monday, half of Tuesday Aero-chassis integration adhesive?? |
Nov. 20, 2020 |
| Chassis:
Nov. 21, 2020 |
| Aero:
| Need to decide on how the bottom panel removal will work. Reach out to Graeme about removal. Remaining work for bottom panel before chassis is complete:
Nov. 22, 2020 |
| Aero:
Nov. 23, 2020 |
| Aero:
| Chassis:
| Further panels manufacturing during aero-chassis limbo period dependent on bulkhead.
Nov. 24, 2020 |
| Chassis:
| Chassis:
| Chassis will be welded in full for powder coating. Bulkheads will be trimmed and inserted into full welded chassis afterwards. (A-bulkhead) Simulation for bulkhead/chassis testing will need to be changed. |
Nov. 25, 2020 |
| Chassis:
| Chassis:
Nov. 26, 2020 |
| Chassis:
| Chassis:
| This weekend: Test putting chassis on bottom panel - if chassis tubes don’t sit perfectly flat
Nov. 27, 2020 | Tommy, Kimberly | Chassis:
| Powder coating pick-up Monday! |
Nov 30, 2020 | Kimberly | Chassis:
| Chassis:
| A-Plane Reinforcement - need to sync up with Dynamics to see who will be doing this Bulkhead gluing - ~1 day to cure
RBulkhead stencil - need to communicate with Seat belts tabs (Filip) and other dynamics items when creating |
December 1, 2020 |
| Chassis:
| Chassis:
| Bulkhead testing (Wed/Thurs)
Future note:
Dec. 2, 2020 |
| Chassis:
| Misc:
Dec. 3, 2020 |
| Misc:
| Misc:
Chassis: | Cutting bulkhead end of next week Aero-chassis clarifications on Friday
Dec. 4, 2020 |
| Chassis:
| 8:00 PM Aero-Chassis meeting
9:00 PM Onsite Meeting Notes:
Dec. 11, 2020 | Ricky, Micah |
Dec. 12, 2020 |
| Chassis:
Dec 14, 2020 | Michael, Brielle, Isabella |
| So we completed the stencil for the cutout however the stencil we made turned to be bigger than the bulkhead and we weren’t able to trim the bulkhead because of this, the bulkhead is possibly to small, I discussed with Min a little bit about the situation and we can still use the stencil for cutout locations and we’ll deal with the size issue once we get the chassis back from demtool |
Dec 15, 2020 | Tommy, Min | Epoxy Adhesive arriving today. Min+Tommy doing some material prep for Aero Layup |
Dec 19, 2020 |
| Chassis:
Aero: Overview:
Dynamics Assembly will begin after Chassis returns from powder coating: TBD
Dynamics Task List + Procedures to be released Wed. Dec. 2 by Leif
Dynamics Assembly Personnel on Weekdays (Monday to Friday)
XP + Ricky (Co-ops)
Catherine Cai
Dynamics Assembly Personnel on Weekends (Dec 5, 12, 19)
Michael Hanley
Kimberly Liu
Tommy Tran
Colby Wang
Shawn Benedict