Bay Wishlist
Date Added | Item | Quantity | Link/Source | Price | Reason for Item | Request Status |
2022-01-17 | Nuts/Bolts Organizers | *20 | Stanley 25-Compartment Shallow Pro Small Parts Organizer 014725R | 18.09 per tray | Abundance of unorganized fasteners. One system will allow us to keep better inventory of what we have in the bay. |
2022-01-17 | Socket Set Organizer | *2-4(1-2 Metric and 1-2 imperial or 1 per drive type) | 16.87 | Socket Set drawer is full of sockets that don’t have an assigned spot |
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2022-01-20 | Layout Dye | 2 Bottles | 58.62 | Used to mark aluminum and steel with a blue blotch, intended to be etched out, signifying where to cut until |
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2022-01-20 | Button Batteries | 4-8Pack | 15.99 | Digital Calipers need them to work, alot of them have faded over the years. |
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2022-01-20 | Measuring Tapes | 2 | 29.98 | We only have 1 in the bay that I have found. More are aways a good thing | Purchased | |
2022-03-30 | Large Storage Shelves |
*incomplete field/needs revisions