Finished milling steel flats, cut to-size +- 0.4mm (outside XV-BAT129 Steel_Cross_Bar cut -0.9mm). This issue will be fixed by welding. Disregard yesterday's 2mm undersize, that was a mistake
Finished cutting angle irons - will be milled to-size by tomorrow
Worked with Machine Shop Guy to plan cutting holes into parts using mill - will finish tomorrow
Validating Chassis Cross bar jig tomorrow by milling holes into a scrap 1/4" piece
1/4" Steel for Chassis Cross bar has not arrived yet. Will ping when metal arrives
MDF for the enclosure jig is all cut! Thank you so much @jenna k
HUGE SHOUT-OUT TO @Jericho Mordasiewicz @Taylor Elena Avery Hazelwood @Jason Siu @Evan McMahon for all your help today and for coming in tomorrow to finishing up the milling, you guys are awesome : ))) I will ping you guys to tomorrow's instructions in this channel in a thread (edited)
Thursday Manufacturing Instructions - Milling Holes @Evan McMahon @Jason Siu